Farnborough International Exhibition Centre

Press Passes

We offer press passes for media
representitives and content creators


You will receive an email regarding your application that will state if you were APPROVED or DECLINED.

Filling out an application does not guarantee a pass, FanX reserves the right to decline any application for any reason.

Being denied a press pass does not mean you cannot report the event, but you must purchase General Entry tickets.

FanX is not responsible for setting up interviews with any celebrity guest, authors, artists, or any other special guests attending this event.

Press Info

Covering the event

We grant up to four passes for pre-approved press and their team.

You'll gain entry to the event and be able to capture the Comic Con magic to share with your audience.

Who qualifies for Press?

Press passes are for those in the comic book, animation, film, television, gaming, or other pop-culture related industries. Including writers, reporters, reviewers, producers, photographers and camera operators.

For YouTube, or web page media you must have two verifiable social media pages with 5,000 followers each (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, TikTok or Instagram)


Applications are reviewed after the listed closing date at the top of the application. We do not approve any email requests and all submissions must be made through the official form.

We allow up to four members of the same pre-approved organisation to enter the event.

We do not accept registration on the day of the event, only pre-registration through our designated application page.

The Press Pass does not allow:

  • Early access, special access, or guaranteed seating.
  • Free access into any events requiring an additional ticket
  • Guaranteed seating at panels and events
  • Guaranteed access or interviews with guests
  • The ability to cut lines

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