Farnborough International Exhibition Centre

Ready, Set, Cosplay

Cosplay at Fan X Live

We LOVE Cosplay at Fan X Live & whether you’re cosplaying for the first time, or are a veteran cosplayer; there’s something for everyone! Take part in our Cosplay Masquerade, or attend one of many Meet Ups to meet like-minded fans!

Cosplay Masquerade

The Fan X Live Cosplay Masquerade, hosted by the Guild of Nerds, is your chance to wow the audience on Stage.

We are excited to welcome cosplayers to participate on stage and compete for prizes in multiple categories.

Looking for advice on entering Cosplay Masquerades? Visit the Guild of Nerds website for all the advice you need to prepare for the Fan X Live Cosplay Masquerade.

Applications open soon as well as more details on the categories you can compete within

Cosplay Village

Stop by the Cosplay Village throughout the weekend for all things cosplay! There you’ll find the cosplay changing rooms and a cloakroom.

The Guild of Nerds will be operating the Cosplay Repair Forge, a free service for cosplayers in jeopardy! If your cosplay needs a repair, feel free to stop by for a helping hand.

The Guild will also be operating a Cosplay FAQ table over the weekend, where you can come chat about your tricky cosplay questions, or learn how to get into the hobby!.


Details coming soon

Cosplay is not consent 
  • Cosplay and costumes are NOT an invitation to touch, or harass anybody – Always respect boundaries
  • This includes a cosplayer’s costume and props – Do not touch these without permission! 
  • Please do not hesitate to contact one of our team , or pay a visit to the organisers office if you have any issues over the weekend. 
Ask before you photograph!
  • Please always ask cosplayers for permission to take pictures (and respect those wishes if they say no for any reason!)
  • Remember that Cosplayers always have the right to say no to images
  • Please don’t assume that just because somebody is in cosplay they are happy for an image to be taken without permission. 
Not your photo? Wait! 
  • Many cosplayers LOVE posing for pictures at events and we guarantee that your picture will be 100% better if they’re looking at YOUR camera
  • Don’t snipe someone else’s shot, or take an image if a cosplayer is posing for somebody else. Simply wait and ask when they’re done with anybody before you – we guarantee it’ll make for a more memorable interaction and image! 
Cosplay is for EVERYONE
  • It doesn’t matter about Race, Age, Gender or Body Type – Cosplay is for everyone
  • More than one person can cosplay the same character and no fan has more right to do so than another fan
  • The cosplay community is an amazingly supportive one and there is no room for any form of shaming 
Remember, Cosplayers are human too 
  • Please please PLEASE remember that cosplayers are humans (and more importantly, fans like the rest of us!)
  • Don’t like the character? Move along
Have fun & help us create a positive environment! 
  • Complement Cosplay
  • Always respect boundaries and decisions 
  • Don’t know a character? Take an interest and find out more! 

Fan X Live reserve the right to deny entry, withdraw access, or cancel tickets without refund at any Fan X Live event to anyone deemed to be breaking these rules. Moreover, Fan X Live and security for the event and venue reserve the right to reject or confiscate any weapon or prop if deemed likely to cause a nuisance. Confiscated items, that can legally be returned to you, can be collected as you leave the event.

If you have an unusual item or need further clarification, please email cosplay@fanxevents.com with as much detail and images of the item as possible so we can advise. Note that no absolute assurance can be given without seeing and holding the item in question.

Detailed weapons policy can be found here

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